The Dark Side Of Chatbots: Protecting Yourself From Cybercrime

By Jay S

Over the past few years, chatbots have gained popularity, with a growing number of individuals employing them for various tasks such as scheduling appointments and purchasing groceries. As with all technologies, there are inherent risks involved, and one of the most significant is the possibility of cybercrime.

Source: @siva_photography/Unsplash

The exploitation of chatbot vulnerabilities by hackers can result in unauthorized access to personal information, which can then be used for malicious purposes, including but not limited to identity theft and fraud.

It is essential to be cautious about what you tell your chatbot helper and take steps to protect your information. Phishing attacks represent one of the primary risks that come with chatbots. Cybercriminals may use chatbots to send out phishing messages that aim to deceive users into revealing sensitive personal information.

For example, a chatbot might send a message asking for your credit card details or login credentials. If you provide this information, the hacker can use it to gain access to your accounts and steal your identity. Another risk associated with chatbots is data breaches. Chatbots accumulate and retain a substantial amount of personal information, including names, addresses, and payment particulars.

If a chatbot’s security is compromised, this information can be accessed by hackers, who can then use it for fraudulent activities. To protect your information, it is essential to be careful about what you tell your chatbot helper.

Source: @nahelabdlhadi/Unsplash

To maintain safety, it is advisable to abstain from disclosing sensitive information, such as social security numbers or credit card details. Instead, use a secure payment gateway when making transactions. Additionally, be cautious about clicking on links sent by chatbots, as they may lead to phishing websites.

It is also vital to confirm that your chatbot utilizes up-to-date security protocols and encryption technologies. Many chatbots use SSL/TLS encryption to protect data in transit, but this is not always the case. To inspect the security settings of your chatbot, look for a padlock icon in the browser bar.